6.3 Hoosier County Road Department

Let us consider the Hoosier County Road Department whose mission is to maintain the county’s roads (see Hoosier County Road Department video). All personnel work full time and 225 days per year. The personnel maintaining the roads cost $74,000 per employee per year. That amount includes the salary and fringe benefits. There are two types of roads in the county, i.e., gravel roads (80 miles) and paved roads (185 miles). The state reimburses the county with $6,250 and $10,200 per mile of gravel road and paved road, maintained. Below is a summary of the activity and cost information that was put was compiled.

Gravel Paved Total
Supplies expenditures $41,000 $180,000 $221,000
Miles Repaired 80 185 265
Cost per Mile $513 $973
Personnel (FTE) 4 5 9
State reimbursement per mile $6,250 $10,200
Productivity (miles/person/year) 20 37
Maintenance employee salary $74,000 $74,000
Director’s salary $96,000
Assistant’s salary $61,000
Equipment lease: Rate/month $6,250 $9,750
Equipment lease: Rate/mile $725 $1,100
Maintenance facility $210,000